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Monotype and Intaglio

Monotype prints are created by drawing on a smooth, non-absorbent surface. Traditionally, the surface was a copper etching plate but today glass, Plexiglas, and acrylic are more common. The one of a kind print is created by placing a piece of paper on the surface and transferring the ink or paint to the paper using pressure applied by hand or through a press.

Many of my prints are created using a different method- a Gel or Gelli plate- which is actually soft and super easy to print from! Sometimes I paint or roll on ink on it but frequently I take it to natural objects like trees and bark and impress them onto its inked surface. In the process, the ink is transferred from the plate to the raised spots on the object and an interesting impression is left. Then I transfer it to paper or work more into it with a brush. Most of the bark prints are created this way!

Intaglio prints are created printing from a surface with incised lines. The lines hold ink while the rest of the surface of the plate is wiped clean. I usually create drypoint lines into pieces of plastic and etchings into copper plates. This is an area I have only started exploring and plan to investigate much more in the future!

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